The Magic of Science
30th October 2025

The Magic of Science
Fusing the mystery of magic with wondrous and miraculous feats of science. Hang on to your seats as we transform the venue into a real life science laboratory. Experience the non-stop action packed interactive magical science experiments that will capture the imagination. Top Secret is a fast moving colourful magical science show filled with mystery, suspense, lots and lots of mess!
Top Secret will inspire and educate every young budding magician and scientist, as well as proving fun and exciting entertainment for all of the family.
Thursday 30th October
Tickets: £15, £13 (under 16)
Runs: 1hr 40 Mins (inc interval)
Suitable for all the family
Please note that babies 12 months and under will require a Babes in Arms Ticket at a cost of £3.00, which is only available from the Box Office in person or on the phone.